Body to Bar 

A series focused on exploring movement & pathways around the trapeze bar  


Week 1. Body first & sequencing

Shapes and pathways emerge from the way our bodies move and articulate—from your feet, through your pelvis, all the way up your spine to your face. We’ll explore a series of mini-sequences, diving deep into how we can support our bodies as they follow intuitive and free-flowing pathways

Week 2. The Landscape

What if the bar itself is a landscape, one that supports and offers a different variety of movement and expression than the ropes? Can you visualize the terrain you're moving through? Can you feel it in your body? This is a study of the landscape we navigate when we work with the trapeze bar

Week 3. It's all in the details

Week 3 focuses on the intention and textures that shape our unique style. We'll explore how one movement can be expressed in many different ways, depending on the intention behind it and the qualities we bring. It's about the subtleties that make a move, a trick, or a pathway interesting. 


What if the bar was a place to perch, swing, dive, roll, twist, balance, and fold. What if it could be bold and dynamic, yet soft and supportive.


This is where we lead from your bodies natural movement qualities, building pathways and shapes that suit your way of moving. During this series we will be creating mini sequences along with expanding your repetoire of shapes and movement quality.

Come explore the landscape of trapeze

A 3 week journey from body to bar, a movement experience to expand your repertoire, to support your body, and excite your mind. 


Whats included

  • 3 LIVE classes each 90 min
  • Prerecorded mini sequences 
  • A movement class designed to help you move more freely on the bar
  • Whatsapp group for feedback & support during the series
  • Replay of all live classes